The slow cooker doesn't have to be for all-day projects. This simple dessert is easy to assemble right before a dinner party, and the tender, boozy peaches...
This pungent, fragrant chicken stew is not for the weak of palate. Radiating the aromas of toasted cumin and coriander, and spiked with the salty-sour...
Slow cooker side dish are a lifesaver when cooking big meals. This Slow Cooker Cheesy Vegetable Casserole is so simple to make and it tastes amazing. All...
These easy Crock Pot Pork Chops are one of our all-time favorites! Tender pork chops cooked to perfection, smothered in mushrooms and onions creating a...
You've heard it said that the best spaghetti sauces are simmered all afternoon. If that's true, why not let the slow cooker do the cooking for you? This...
Tom Yum is made so many different ways that no two batches are really ever alike. Simultaneously spicy, tart, and sweet, this soup grows on you the more...
Slow Cooker Tortilla Soup - This easy tortilla soup is the perfect 'set it and forget it' weeknight dinner for the crock pot, I bet most of the ingredients...
These Crock Pot Pork Chops are smothered in a delicious mushroom gravy. Cooking pork chops in the slow cooker is an easy way to make flavorful, tender...
Country-style ribs are not actually ribs. This cut of meat comes from the shoulder of the pig, where it is sliced in half under the blade bone and then...
This recipe is old-fashioned mac and cheese, without a heavy white sauce to make first. The combination of evaporated milk and egg replaces the flour as...
Rich and full of warm heat, this slow cooker Texas style chili will instantly become your favorite chili recipe. The big chunks of beef will fall apart...
Corned beef is timeless and deserves a spot at the table, not just on St. Paddy's Day. It is a crowd-pleaser that loves the low-and-slow ethos of the slow...
Crockpot Buffalo Wild Wings Garlic Parmesan Chicken Pasta is a creamy and delicious dish that combines all our favorites like Buffalo Wild Wings Garlic...
Slow Cooker Beef Stew, with tender bites of beef and vegetables in a rich broth, is a family favorite. Enjoy this beef stew recipe on a weeknight or for...
This easy slow cooker meatball recipe uses a blend of beef and Italian turkey sausage for a lightened-up version that still makes a flavorful, juicy meatball....
Easy pulled chicken sandwiches topped with a sweet and tangy cabbage slaw. This healthy slow cooker pulled chicken sandwich recipe is is perfect for BBQ's,...
Comfort food at its finest with thick and tender chunks of potatoes, buttery soft potatoes, and mixed vegetables. The broth is rich, deep, and exquisite...
Boneless pork chops or country style pork ribs simmer with cranberries, onion and apples to create a delicious dish flavored with balsamic vinegar. Try...
Southern-style green beans with bacon and potatoes are a perfect side dish, cooked to tender perfection with the perfect seasoning. Serve with fried chicken...
Green chicken pozole (posole verde) is the Mexican version of chicken soup. Tender chicken, chewy hominy, and peppers simmer all day in the slow cooker...
This slow cooker dessert recipe combines all of the elements that make a traditional upside-down cake so irresistible-a rich, buttery cake layer and a...
Canned baked beans make an amazing base for a hearty ground beef and bean slow cooked side dish. Woo, these are not your grandmas baked beans! Crock pot...
Try this tasty slow cooker beef stew recipe for a wintry midweek meal. Add the dumpling dough to the stew one hour before the end - the ultimate comfort...
Slow-cooking a "roast" chicken yields moist, juicy meat but flabby skin-the easy fix is to run the carved chicken under the broiler to crisp the skin before...
This wonderful, healthy slow cooker chicken tikka masala is my take on a comforting Indian dish made with tomato sauce, chicken breast, coconut milk, and...
Slow Cooker Cabbage Roll Soup - A hearty comfort food soup recipe the whole family will love. If you think that soup can't be a meal, guess again! This...
This slow cooker spiral ham comes out tender and full of flavor. The maple syrup and brown sugar combine with cider vinegar and mustards to make a tangy...